Bethany Church - Restoration Ministry - Education and Training - Community Support


Restoration Ministries Australia Ltd provides facilitation and promotion of personal and/or organisational change through; Individual Ministry (involving ministering God's healing power to people on an individual basis), Group Consultations, Organisational Change Consultancy (Personal/ Group), Conflict Resolution, Debriefing, Coaching/Mentoring, Professional Supervision, Personal Development, Grief and Loss Ministry, General Ministry and Restoration Ministry.

This ministry activity commenced more than twenty years ago through a Prayer Ministry that was made available to people who came to receive what God had for them. During this time, following a personal healing experience by waiting on the Lord in prayer, many people have experienced healing in their own lives by coming into a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, presenting to Him their sin, hurts and pain. In every situation He has proven Himself faithful and revealed Himself to each person in a way that he/she can understand. This resulted in the development of a ministry process that was later called Restoration Ministry.

Ministry Practice

Following an individual assessment of the client's situation the option and suitability of the Restoration Ministry Process is discussed. If appropriate, the client is invited to go through this process.

The initial sessions are Clarifying Sessions, with the person's history and information regarding family background and genogram being collected, and identification of the person's own sin and hurts. This information is then collated into a framework for the "Day Session of Ministry". On each "Day Session of Ministry" an intercessor sits in and covers the minister and the person in prayer. During a time of worship, prayer and imparting and ministering God's Word, as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit, God has done miraculous things. Each person has the opportunity to experience God's presence and power in a transforming way. A person's life is changed on that "Day Session" because Jesus comes into his/her life in a transforming way.

During the Restoration Ministry process, the person has the opportunity to be equipped to live the full, abundant life that Jesus came to give each of us in the power of the Holy Spirit as He brings truth, freedom and wholeness into the person's life.

Follow up sessions are arranged to assist the person to walk in a new way of life.

© 2003 Restoration Ministries Australia Ltd. ABN 14 097 476 956, ACN 097 476 956.
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